Karnevalový pastel - picture 1
Karnevalový pastel - picture 1
An old woman remembers the love of her youth. As the beautiful Columbine she spends a night of love in the arms of an infatuated Pierrot. In the end, however, Pierrot transforms himself into Death. (Brief content of the film)
Altri titoli: Karnevalový pastel - picture 1
Data di creazione: 1921
Descrizione: An old woman remembers the love of her youth. As the beautiful Columbine she spends a night of love in the arms of an infatuated Pierrot. In the end, however, Pierrot transforms himself into Death. (Brief content of the film)
Parole chiave: žena / muž / Kolombína / Pierot / péro paví / kostým / woman / man / Columbine / Pierrot / costume
Fonte esterna: Národní filmový archiv
Diritti: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Tipo documento: Set photo